Welcome to Kaakiest

Saturday - Thursday : 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

With the new Euro Line Detector we have combined DETECTRONIC´s usual high level characteristics of our already well-known and respected metal detectors and fitted it into a compact and reliable model still assuring constant quality and high production rates. The Euro Line Detector is a stable, robust, strong and cost effective solution for many industries. The entry level metal detector is standard equipped with belt stop and acoustic and visual alarm. The unit comes in 4 versions and 4 head sizes all equipped with a 1000 mm long belt.

The high quality, made in Denmark, CE marked EURO LINE metal detector, is the strong competitive and cost effective alternative to dubious low cost and low quality machines produced in some areas of the world. With DETECTRONIC you will get the well-known quality, the well-known performance and the well-known reliability at a competitive price.

The EURO LINE machines are always in stock and can ship in 1-2 weeks.

DETECTRONIC metal detectors are among and the most reliable on the market. We build our machines to survive in every industry, and in every corner of the world.