+966 11 4777187
Steam tube deck ovens
The Ministar Stone is the result of Logiudice Forni’s fifty years of experience. A practical and compact oven with refractory brick channels as in traditional steam tube ovens.The reduced dimensions and compact shape of Ministar ovens embody the full extent of Logiudice’s experience and quality.Technology is combined with age-old baking know-how to create an oven for traditional baking, ideal or bread, pizzas, pastries and cakes. Manufactured with 4, 5 and 6 chambers and doors, baking surfaces between 3m² and 9.10m². Fire channel built using refractory steel cylinders. Available in burner gas, gas-oil, solid fuel versions.Both lines can be supplied with a manual loader, integrated with the oven, which allows the loading and unloading of the whole deck.s.
Control panel: Electromechanical or Digital
Loaders: EASY
The MINISTAR steam tube deck oven line has been designed and built by Logiudice Forni. The company guarantees and certifies that the product is 100% MADE IN ITALY.
Thanks to its small and medium sizes and low power consumption, this oven is appreciated and used as a support oven for rotary ovens for the production of speciality and gourmet breads.
The company oversees the entire design, production and testing of the oven processing cycle.
It makes use of its in-house know-how, dictated by the experience of its staff and by the technology of its equipment, using the latest design systems and robotic machinery.
Diesel, gas, bio-fuel, or pellet operated. An electrical chamber built into the oven can also be installed as an option.
Product can be inserted with trays, with manual setters, with PSA loaders (automatic, semi-automatic, or manual) or with an Easy loader built into the opening of the oven.